- "Social media enlisted for struggling shops" - The Press, 28-01-2010
- CTV News, 28-01-2010
- Interview on Breakfast with Spanky show on RDU 98.5FM, 31-01-2010
- Interview with South Sound show on Plains FM 96.9, 31-01-2010
Website articles/blog posts:
To contact Rachel for interviews etc, please call 021 162 0821 or email: 7point1squared@gmail.com
NB: If you are going to write a blog post or article quoting any posts on this blog, please check who the author is as we currently have 2 contributors on the blog, myself (Rachel) posting as 7point1squared, and Allie posting as rumpelsnorcack.
Also please don't edit out all mention of the Foursquare site/application, this is key to the whole project and makes it very confusing without it. I would like to be able to use any media mentions of the project to add clout to my request to Foursquare and it's a bit tricky to do that if you edit it out! Thanks!