Here is a short summary of how we envision the project working:
1. Foursquare creates a new badge which users can earn by checking into X number of participating local Canterbury businesses.
2. Users suggest local businesses they know of that could use a hand (not just in terms of foot-traffic/sales, if you know of a business that is struggling in any way due to the earthquake, let us know, I love thinking up creative ideas to help!)
3. Participating venues offer discounts or specials to Foursquare users.
4. Other companies or individuals sponsor prizes or help out in some way.
5. Users (regular peeps like you and me!) check-in to venues using Foursquare and earn the badge and snag wicked deals along the way.
6. ???
7. Everyone profits!
But seriously, Foursquare get more users as Canterbury residents sign up, the users get more awesome discounts around town and have fun while supporting their locals and businesses draw more customers in with some free creative marketing!