Thursday, January 27, 2011

Rediscovering Christchurch

The morning of September 4th 2010 changed my life, as it did for all Cantabrians. I'm one of the lucky ones, though. My house has come through relatively unscathed (apart from the ominous creaking of the now-jauntily angled carport as it sways gently in the wind and the odd quake) and neither I nor my husband has had our jobs affected by the chaos. On the surface, then, it was business as usual. Underneath, however, I was shaken to my core (literally, for those 45 seconds, and figuratively for a lot longer). Gone was the comfortable belief that I could get around to doing things and going places 'one day' or 'when I have time.' In its place was a gripping knowledge that much of what I value in the city: the buildings I love, the places that represent the city for me, could just disappear. In the blink of an eye places I have loved were gone or changed beyond all recognition.

My complacency gone, I began looking at the city in a new light. I realised I had been taking it for granted, like a doddery old relative who I loved but got impatient with because I focused only on their faults. I didn't appreciate anything beyond the surface. I hadn't even really been aware just how much of the city was made of bricks. They'd just kind of seeped into my subconscious as part and parcel of living here. They were part of me and their loss hurt, but it was a sheepish hurt; the hurt of someone who hadn't really appreciated what was around me until it was destroyed. I had roamed the city and the suburbs but I'd never really paid attention to them. I've lived here for more than ten years and yet there are a shameful amount of things I've just not done. There are shops I've never taken the time to go to because the malls were easier. There are cultural places I've never been because I 'didn't have the time.' There are parts of the city I barely know exist because it was easier to stick to what I already knew.

Looking around what was left of our city I made a vow: no more of that. I began exploring in a haphazard way. I've found new haunts, looked at old favourites in a new way and generally had a great time. I've been enjoying myself so much that I set myself a challenge. No more haphazard exploring for me. Instead, I'm going to go somewhere new each week and blog about it. I'm having a love affair with Christchurch (shhh! Don't tell my husband) and I want to share it. It's been beaten, battered, bruised and even broken in places but at its heart is still a place to celebrate. I'm excited to get out there and discover all that our home has to offer.

Now, I'm sure you're all smiling benignly and thinking to yourself: 'yes, yes, that's all very nice; good for you. But ... what on earth are you doing on 7point1squared's blog?' Well, that's the most exciting part of this whole project. We got talking and realised our goals were compatible: we want to help the city recover from the earthquake. Neither of us wants to see any more of our smaller businesses wiped out and both of our projects are designed to highlight the wonderful places and businesses in our city that need the support of our community. So we decided to join forces. Each week I'll highlight one or two places I've visited and encourage people to check in there on Foursquare. I'll let you all know in what ways the places I visit have been affected by the earthquake and what they are doing to get themselves through. It's up to us, the community, to help these businesses survive and flourish. Our small unique businesses, our cultural venues, our heritage sites; these are what make Christchurch unique and it is these places that I want to reconnect with. Join me as I rediscover Christchurch and try to help our struggling businesses along the way.


  1. Great start to the series, thanks so much for offering to do this blog series, its a fabulous idea and I know everyone is going to enjoy seeing the city in a new light through your eyes!

  2. Thanks. I'm having fun just thinking about it! Thank you for letting me join you in doing this - we're going to have a blast.
